Poskytovaním možností inline dokončovania môžete zvýšiť ziskové marže pri tlačových úlohách a súčasne skrátiť produkčnú dobu, znížiť náklady na pracovnú sílu, zlepšiť kontrolu kvality, znížiť plytvanie a šetriť energiu.
Digitálny marketing začal v posledných niekoľkých rokoch stále viac prevládať nad tradičným tlačeným marketingom. To však neznamená, že by tlač ako taká zmizla. Vyvinula sa tak, aby poskytovateľom tlačových služieb umožnila...
Ako poskytovateľ tlačových služieb musíte neustále rozvíjať svoje podnikanie a zaisťovať si lojalitu zákazníkov. Ako sa v dobe, keď sú tlačové služby ľahko dostupné a porovnatelnejšie než kedykoľvek predtým, odlišujete na...
Internetové a elektronické obchodovanie sa stalo nevyhnutnou súčasťou každodenného života a rýchlo sa rozvíja do kanálov používaných pre prevažnú väčšinu obchodných transakcií.
As an ideal entry product to digital black & white printing, the bizhub PRO 1100 paves the way for new business opportunities. With it, you'll accomplish more print jobs in the shop and meet tightest deadlines with ease. You can thus diversify and grow your business and are looking into a bright future. The bizhub PRO 1100 is the key for your success. Use it as your stepping stone to steady and robust profitability. Offering complete and dependable productivity, the bizhub PRO 1100 stands for your and your customers' ease of mind.Further to this, you'll also reduce your personal ecological footprint with the bizhub PRO 1100's range of green technologies: Konica Minolta consistently promotes sustainable product development and integrates environmental and social perspectives into its business strategies.
1,200 dpi print resolution
The bizhub PRO 1100 provides two-way 1,200 dpi print resolution, thanks to the implementation of a state-of-the-art LED print head (LPH). This technology improves the reproducibility of smallest fonds, while the high number of screen raster lines effectively smoothes the reproduction of half tones.
Predefined setting
Predefined setting masks (two types with three patterns each) plus a choice of dot screen settings enable users to select the best screen for each specific print job. The print station also comes with a standard controller and a colour dual scanner.
Schedule management
The schedule management provides an overview of all queued print jobs. It displays current jobs with detailed information on which paper types are used; and a timeline shows how long production will take. The operator can also view details on suspended and reserved jobs.
Simitri® HD toner
Simitri® HD toner is a Konica Minolta in-house developement and uses polymerised processing techniques to produce smaller, more consistently shaped particles that maximise the output quality. The toner material recipe contains around 10% biomass helping to reduce the enviromental impact.
Smart Finishing Options
Smart finishing options include the staple finisher with automatic staple lenght cutting mechanism, colour sheet insertion via the post inserter, as well as automatic ring binding.