Konica Minolta bizhub pro 958 professional printer
Konica Minolta bizhub pro 958 professional printer
Konica Minolta bizhub pro 958 professional printer
Konica Minolta bizhub pro 958 professional printer

bizhub PRO 958

  • Affordable modular system – entry-level hardware cost and high modularity
  • Latest Konica Minolta core technologies - next generation Emperon™ controller, next generation Simitri® HD polymerised toner, and new application platform
  • Green technology – Energy Star awarded
  • Embedded controller with Konica Minolta’s proprietary print controller technology
  • One-pass duplex scanning for up to 240 ipm in colour and black and white
Konica Minolta bizhub pro 958 professional printer
Konica Minolta bizhub pro 958 professional printer
Konica Minolta bizhub pro 958 professional printer
Konica Minolta bizhub pro 958 professional printer



Inline dokončovanie

Poskytovaním možností inline dokončovania môžete zvýšiť ziskové marže pri tlačových úlohách a súčasne skrátiť produkčnú dobu, znížiť náklady na pracovnú sílu, zlepšiť kontrolu kvality, znížiť plytvanie a šetriť energiu.

Digitálny marketing sa stretol s modernizovanou tlačou

Digitálny marketing začal v posledných niekoľkých rokoch stále viac prevládať nad tradičným tlačeným marketingom. To však neznamená, že by tlač ako taká zmizla. Vyvinula sa tak, aby poskytovateľom tlačových služieb umožnila...

Publikovanie premenných dát

Ako poskytovateľ tlačových služieb musíte neustále rozvíjať svoje podnikanie a zaisťovať si lojalitu zákazníkov. Ako sa v dobe, keď sú tlačové služby ľahko dostupné a porovnatelnejšie než kedykoľvek predtým, odlišujete na...

Budúcnosť tlače: riešenie WEB 2 PRINT

Internetové a elektronické obchodovanie sa stalo nevyhnutnou súčasťou každodenného života a rýchlo sa rozvíja do kanálov používaných pre prevažnú väčšinu obchodných transakcií.



bizhub PRO 958

To survive in today’s markets requires a good product mix, clever marketing and competitive prices. In the print industry, this means a versatile printer fleet, reliable technology and cost-effective calculation. Rather than excelling in any one discipline, bizhub PRO 958 offers a clever combination of features, technologies and investment – and with that the competitive edge to drive a successful printing business and satisfy varied customer demands. Featuring the speed of a production printing device, bizhub PRO is the perfect choice for small CRDs. The bizhub PRO 958 also supports NFC authentication.

  • Vstup papiera

    Banner printing

    Prints banners of up to 1.2 meters for panorama pictures and creative ads

  • Ikona funkcie udržateľnosti

    Economical and ecological

    Green technology lowers energy costs and provides attractice power savings - EPEAT Gold 

  • ikona funkcie dokončovania

    Finishing choices

    Stapling, punching, booklet, Z-fold and letter-fold – both as entry-level and as high-volume version

Konica Minolta bizhub pro 958 professional printer
  • Ikona funkcií

    Simitri HD Toner

    A Konica Minolta core technology – for quality, durability, economy

  • Ikona funkcie dotyku

    User convenience

    Multi-touch panel with Upright Panel option for convenient operation

Chcete vidieť všetky funkcie a možnosti a vytvoriť si svoj vlastný bizhub PRO 958?

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Špecifikácia a súbory na stiahnutie

Špecifikácia a súbory na stiahnutie
  • All specifications relating to paper capacity refer to A4-size paper of 80 gsm quality.
  • All specifications relating to scanning, copying or printing speeds refer to A4-size paper that is scanned, copied or printed crosswise in multipage, simplex mode.
  • The support and availability of the listed specifications and functionalities varies depending on operating systems, applications, network protocols as well as network and system configurations.
  • Some of the product illustrations contain optional accessories.
  • Specifications and accessories are based on the information available at the time of printing and are subject to change without notice.
  • Konica Minolta does not warrant that all specifications mentioned will be error-free.
  • Microsoft, Windows and the Windows logo are trademarks, or registered trademarks, of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
  • All other brand and product names may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders and are hereby acknowledged.

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bizhub PRO 958 prospekt